As a writer and artist - as a person, I say, we spend way too much time tinkering over how our words will be received, second-guessing every idiom, every character, every inclination.
The journey of finding authentic voice is often overshadowed by these doubts. Let's take Ford's wisdom as a reminder: no matter what you do, someone will have an opinion about it.
And more than criticism, there is the weight of expectations. You are too niche, not Black enuf, not commercial enough. Folks have even had the audacity to tell you how to be a particular thing... that you need to tone it down some. Can you bring the volume down!? and maybe conform to what's sellable. Write to the trend!
And for a while there, you listen, trying to mold your writing into what you think others want. Then it starts to feel like you're wearing a pimp suit two sizes too small – uncomfortable and cuttin' you in all the delicate places.
I say, choose authenticity. Choose to honor the stories that reflect your home within, the characters that wake you up in the middle of the night demanding to be heard. Choose to explore shit that matters to you, even if they make folks uncomfortable. You may be on to something. That's where growth happens. That's where real connections are forged.
Your unique perspective – shaped by your very specific experiences, your culture, your ideations, and even your fears – even the embarrassing ones. All this is your secret sauce. It's what sets you apart. Flowin' like the Nile; unstoppable and true. And it's this one and only glorious life you've got to live.
I do believe that healthy artists, engage. They seek out conversation and grow to distinguish between what is constructive and what is noise that seeks to dim the light within. Strong artists listen, they reflect, and ultimately, trust their inner voice.
Yes, they will judge me for who I am and who I'm not. They'll critique my successes and my failures. That's okay. First and foremost you are writing for YOU, for the stories that demand to be told, and for the readers who need to hear them.
REMINDER: Your voice matters. Your stories matter. Don't let the fear of criticism silence you. Embrace your quirks and curiosities - the thing that sets you apart. Write boldly. Write truthfully. Write like your words can change the world – because they can.
Wasn't it Baldwin who said, You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world. You are indispensable to the world!
I'm right alongside you. When I look back on my body of work, I want to see a reflection of my truest self. Not a collection of what I thought others wanted, but a testament to the stories I dared to tell....reflecting an Afro-Caribbean, immigrant, mother and wife, and Abuncha other things. What is your legacy worth leaving?
Your Wordsmythe,
Sandra Daley
Absolutely 💯 brilliant beautiful straight to my heart words!!! Thank you! Your support is incredible fierce woman! Incredible artist!! Sister!
Sandra, excellent words of advice to any writer, creator, anyone who wants authenticity. I needed to hear this right now. Thanks sister. Fond memories of our time together in Greece. You happened to cross my mind the other day and I wondered where on your journey you were. Thanks and love.